Corn starch and its baking product cousins look right "at home" around your house. But as part of carpentry projects, lawn care, and plubing solutions?  Yes indeed!  Read on.

The Many Uses Of Corn starch:

  • Control cockroaches. Create a mixture of equal parts corn starch an plaster of paris (gypsum plaster).  Sprinkle around cracks and crevices in your home to control cockroaches.  They will eat it and turn into little bug statues.

  • Make light and fluffy omelets.  Add a teaspoon of corn starch when mixing the eggs.

  • If you're short one egg for your recipe, add a little corn starch instead

  • Unstuck marshmallows.  Got a bag of marshmallows that are all stuck together?  Add at least 1 teaspoon corn starch to the bag, then hold it closed and shake.  When excess moisture is absorbed, the marshmallos should come apart easily.  Repackage in a Freezer Zipper Bag and store them in the freezer to keep them fresh and unstuck!

  • When rolling out pastry or dough, use corn starch instead of flour on your rolling surface.  Not only does it work better, but it will make cleaning up a lot easier!

  • Silence a squeaky floorboard.  Give it a good sprinkling of corn starch, then vacuum up the excess.  Listen to the quiet!

  • Knots in tent ropes and other camping gear will untangle more easily if you sprinkle them with corn starch.

  • Before you head outside to work in the garden or tackle other chores, rub a tablespoon of corn starch between your hands.  The powder absorbs perspiration and prevents blisters.

  • Prevent athlete's feet.  Athlete's feet is a fungal infection that thrives in dampness.  Keep your feet dry by sprinkling corn starch on your fee, in your socks, and in your shoes to absorb moisture.

  • To relieve hemorrhoid pain:  Make a paste of corn starch and water. gradually adding enough of each to measure a pint (0.568 liters).  Boil, then cool completely and use in an enema.

  • If your hair is dirty and you don't have time to shampoo it, pour corn starch into the palm of your hand and rub it through your hair at the scalp.  Brush through your hair until the powder is no longer visible.

  • If you run out of (Johnson's) Baby Powder, corn starch makes a great substitute and is more absorbent than talcum powder.  Your baby will stay comfortably dry and avoid heat rash.  Use sparingly, and be sure to keep corn starch away from baby's nose and eyes.

  • Out of deodorant?  Mix equal parts corn starch and baking soda with a pinch of ground cloves.  Apply mixture to your underarm areas.

  • For an inexpensive scented powder:  Combine corn starch with a few drops of your favourite perfume or scented oil.  If you prefer a spicy cent, use 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon with a 1/2 cup corn starch.  Sprinkle on after a shower or bath.

  • Pretreat collar stains on shirts with corn starch.  Dampen collar, rub a little in, and launder as usual.

  • To get rid of bloodstain, mix a paste of corn starch and water and apply to the stain right away.  Let dry, then brush off.  Repeat if necessary.  This works on clothing and table linens.

  • Grease stains can sometimes be removed by rubbing corn starch into them.  Allow the corn starch to sit for an hour or more to soak up the grease, then brush off and wash as usual.  If stains remain, repeat until they're gone.

  • For cleaning your child's stuff animals:  Place a toy or a few small ones into a medium to large plastic bag.  Add some corn starch to the bag, close tightly and shake.  Brush the toys clean.

  • Make your own spray starch:  Dissove 1 tablespoon corn starch into 2 cups water.  Use a clean spray bottle to dispense.  For a heavier starch, use 2 or more tablespoons of corn starch.

  • Remove iron scorches from clothes with corn starch.  Wet a scorched spot, then cover with corn starch.  When it's dry, brush off.

  • After polishing any wood furniture in your home, sprinkle a bit of corn starch over the surface.  Then use a clean, soft cloth to buff it to a high shine.  Any excess oil will be absorbed by the corn starch.

  • Revive your carpets by sprinkling corn starch all over them.  Wait 30 minutes, then vacuum and admire the results.

  • Ink stains can be removed from carpets with the help of corn starch.  Start with about 2 tablespoons corn starch, then slowly add enough milk to make a paste.  Apply paste, wait a few hours, and brush it off.

Main-Photo credit: consumatron


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